Aging is a natural process that may present challenges for some individuals and their families. Often seniors are unaware of the resources and services available to assist them to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes and senior communities like those at for as long as possible so that they can continue to live a happy life! Although many older adults look forward to moving from middle age into their later years, it may be difficult for others to adjust. Another major concern for older persons is the loss of independence that is often associated with entering a nursing home or long-term care facility where they must rely heavily on the assistance and personal care of others to meet their basic needs of eating nutritious foods.
All adults may experience health issues and stress as they approach and pass middle age, and the support of a therapist or other mental health professional may help ease the transition. Middle Age and Beyond: A Positive Approach offers simple approaches to applying therapy interventions to common problems in aging individuals such as family transitions and functional impairment at home as well as caring for spouses with dementia while sharing suggestions for building resources to support these critical relationships. For this, senior memory care services like Summerfield of Encinitas memory care are available. Therapy professionals may also use the materials included in the kit to provide self-care to individuals wishing to enhance their ability to respond to the challenges of life during the middle years and beyond by supporting their own health and wellness through self-reflection and thoughtful practices that promote balance and wellness in their lives.
While some adults may approach their “Golden Years” eagerly, anticipating retirement, grandchildren, or simply a new phase of life, others may dread the physical and mental effects of aging. Regardless of an individual’s age and their attitude toward the aging process becoming an independent adult may be difficult during midlife as priorities shift and family relationships and environments change.
Ageism, or discrimination based on a person’s age, may also affect some older adults, and this practice may lead to forced retirement or cause well-intentioned loved ones to ignore an older adult’s desires or opinions. The consequences of negative attitudes and behaviors directed toward any age group can be harmful not only to those people directly affected but also to entire communities and the people within those communities that depend on a healthy presence of community members of all ages.
Therapy can help older adults who may have difficulty with the transitions of aging to manage their emotions, find new sources of enjoyment and meaning, and find new support systems. Offering face-to-face sessions with each client may help build long-lasting therapeutic alliances with family members that may make it easier to overcome challenges related to changing circumstances by creating opportunities to discuss worries openly and create strategies for addressing concerns. Many older adults also enter therapy to seek treatment for mental health issues not related to aging, in higher numbers than they did in the past. This appears to be due to the fact that attitudes pertaining to mental health issues have begun to change as awareness increases. Awareness of the various resources available to meet the needs of people ages seventy and older such as wealth management may also be helpful to families to access the assistance they need to meet emotional and behavioral challenges of physical.